About Europass
The reliable free European tool to manage your career
About Europass
Europass aims at supporting the understanding and transparency of skills and qualifications.
It was adopted by the European Commission in 2004
It was revised in April 2018 with the aim of providing modern tools best reflecting the way we learn and work.
History of Europass
2004: Institutionalization
Europass is established on 15 December 2004 by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union Decision 2241/2004/EC
2005: Europass website
Official launch of the Europass website
2016: EU Skills Agenda
Integration of Europass into the new EU skills Agenda
2018: The proposal for the new Europass was adopted
Preparations for the new Europass kick-off Decision (EU) 2018/646 of the European Parliament and the European Council of 18 April 2018.
2019: 150 million CVs
2.5 million visits to the Europass portal per month
668.837 CVs from Greece in 2019
July 1, 2020: New Europass platform
The new Europass platform is launched providing a set of tools and services for the benefit of citizens and organizations.
Europass Resolution 2018
DECISION (EU) 2018/646 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 18 April 2018 on a common framework for the provision of better services for skills and qualifications (Europass) and repealing Decision No 2241/2004/EC, please see here
Europass Resolution 2004
DECISION No 2241/2004/EC OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 15 December 2004 on a single Community framework for the transparency of qualifications and competences
(Europass) please see here
Europass Εvaluation Report
Second Evaluation of Europass Final Report. You can dowloaded here
Europass provides a set of free tools and services to help you plan every step of your career!
Find information about education and employment opportunities and support in order to present and document your qualifications!
Available free of charge in 29 languages
National centers inform and coordinate Europass actions in Europe.
Career management tools
It facilitates academic and professional mobility in the countries of Europe
It strengthens the link between education/training and the world of work.
It makes qualifications and skills to employers and educational institutions identifiable and transparent
New Europass
what’s new?
A free public service for everyone
In July 2020, the new Europass platform was launched providing the necessary framework and tools to support career and access to education and the labor market for all.
It introduces online modern tools responding to the changing ways we learn and work. It is managed by the European Commission.
The new Europass is your personal digital space where you can gather all your educational and work experience, present your skills and discover opportunities that Europe can offer.
Can my qualifications be understood anywhere in Europe?
Europass helps you present your profile or CV
in a way that is understood across Europe. The
platform provides information on national and
European qualifications networks and allows you
to compare them too.
Simply and easily design as many CVs and cover letters as you need from your Europass profile.
The Europass digital credentials are also structured
in an easy to understand European-wide standard
digital format.
Can I search for work or an educational program in Europass?
You can search for jobs across the EU from a database of thousands of job opportunities powered by EURES, the European network of national public employment services
You can search for hundreds of courses that are continuously being updated provided by government services,
You can prepare your applications, identify, and record your skills, qualifications and experiences in one secure place.
Create a free profile with Europass today and see what Europass can do for you!
What it offers
Free tools to manage your career
Europass tools help you describe and effectively present skills, qualifications and experiences to employers or educational institutions across Europe.
Europass tools support you in planning every step of your career!
Learn more about Profile, CV, Mobility, Diploma Supplement, Certificate Supplement
Work in Europe
In Europass, you can search for a job in Europe through the database of thousands of jobs published by the Eures network.
Find reliable information about the needs and skills the labor market requires to plan your next step.
Find more information about the task in the country of your interest.
Get personalized suggestions that suit you for jobs across Europe.
Education in Europe
Get proposals that suit you for educational programs across Europe.
Find more information on studies in the country of your interest.
Look out for reliable information on validation and recognition of qualifications, as well as counseling and career guidance to help you in your career.
Europass interoperability facilitates the exchange of data and information between individuals, different services and providers of education, training and employers.
Learn more about what the interoperability Europass offers here
Skills and interests
Think about what skills you have and highlight them in your profile.
Europass helps you with the ESCO classification system to identify and record your skills.
It also provides you with tools to assess skills yourself such as linguistic and digital skills.
Set your professional and educational goals and interests and take the next step in your career!
Digital Credentials
Digital Europass credentials allow you to download and share the degrees, diplomas and certificates that are awarded to you by education and training institutions in an easy, digital and effective way.
They describe your qualifications and may also include information about your courses, your scores, papers, and other achievements. Learn more here
why use europass?
Europass Profile
Create your profile to present all your qualifications, skills, knowledge, awards, experiences in a single secure online place. Your profile gives you access to a range of other services Europass offers for you!
Europass CV
Create CVs and cover letters with one click. Europass allows you to choose between different standards! Upload and edit CVs and cover letters tailored to each application you submit!
Certificate Supplement
This document gives you more information about your vocational education and training certificate.
Diploma Supplement
This document provides information about your diploma to be better understood by employers and educational institutions abroad
Europass mobility
The document describing the skills you gained from a mobility experience abroad carried out for training purposes.
Do you want to start or continue your studies?
At Europass you will find training opportunities as well as all useful information about the country you are interested in studying.
Looking for a job or a new challenge?
At Europass you will find jobs all over Europe through the Eures network.
Discover the tools that support your education and professional career!
Employers, institutions, educational institutions can also benefit from the services offered by Europass, in various ways.

Helps you:
- Discover your skills and qualifications
- Be reliably informed about education and work opportunities across Europe
- Write Cvs and cover letters using templates you can customize to your needs
- Contact the appropriate support and career guidance networks
new europass
how does it work?
You can browse the Europass page and search for jobs and educational programs in Europe!
Create your CV as a visitor, which you save on your computer.
You will need to create an EU account to get full access to Europass services.
How do I create an account?
Go to europass.eu Select “Create your free Europass”
Enter your e-mail, select a strong password.
You will immediately receive a confirmation email to activate your profile
You will have to follow a two-step login process to access your Europass account.This two-factor authentication is to make sure that your data is safe and secure. More information here
Creating an account is necessary to access all Europass services.
Is the account needed?
No, you may have access to some Europass services as a visitor. You can create a CV or your profile, but the information is not stored for more than 48 hours. You will need to save your CV on your computer. You can also search for jobs and educational programs.
You will need to create an account to get full access to all services offered by Europass.
How secured is the account?
Europass collects anonymous statistics (e.g. how many visitors have been registered in Europass) and trends (e.g. how many Europass users have advanced digital skills).Your personal information will never be used in this process.
Europass will never share your profile or documents without your consent.
More about Personal Data Protection can be found here
Europass take the next step
Go to the Europass page of the European Commission and create your account