Europass profile
europass profile
The free european tool that helps people to manage their learning and careers.
Record your qualifications
Create your free europass profile. Record all your work, education and training experiences, language skills, digital skills, information on projects, volunteering experiences, and achievements
Free of charge in 30 languages!
Make customised CVs just with a click!
Describe your skills and interests
Have you ever reflect on the skills you have obtained throughout your life experiences? Europass offers you a set of tools to help you reflect on and describe your skills and interests in an effective way.
Get suggestions of interesting jobs and courses
based on the information in your profile!
Find relevant information on jobs or learning opportunities across Europe and plan your next step in your learning and career !
For who?
- Students, trainees, Job seekers, workers can create their profile and adjust it to their needs.
- Employers, volunteer organisations, recruiters, guidance practitioners, youth organisations, education and training institutions and more Can benefit from the profile and use it as part of the support and services they offer to people.
Share it
Your Europass profile is private but you can share a link to your profile with employers, education institutions or guidance counsellors to get their assistance or as part of your application. You can share your full profile or select specific sections of your profile to share.
Profile cannot be printed
How can you create your profile?
From portal select“create your free Europass “
You will need to create an EU log-in’ – enter your email address and create a password.
You will then receive an email with a link which will allow you to complete the registration process. From there you can start using Europass as a registered user.
profiles created (July2020-Feb.2021)
Ages that mostly use the profile
Profiles in Greek language (July 2020-Feb.2021)
Create your profile
Present your skills and qualifications
Create easily your free Europass profile on a secure website in as many languages as you like. Available in 29 different languages!
You complete your profile with different sections: personal information, education, work experience, volunteering and traineeship experiences, publications, personal, linguistic, digital and professional skills, your interests and more!
Choose the information you want to include to better promote yourself. As it is a fully customizable portfolio, the modules can be freely modified or expanded with new ones.
Once you’ve completed your profile, you can create customized CVs for every need, simply with a click!
Store documents and files in your personal Europass library.
Create your profile so you can benefit from a range of services that Europass offers.

Present your skills
Reflect on and present your skills
Through our educational, work and life experiences we develop our skills. Have you ever think about the skills you have?
Europass helps you to reflect on your skills to understand your needs and interests. My Skills is part of Europass, which offers you an overview of your skills based on the information you add to your profile. This tool will help you reflect on and evaluate your skills. Users can record their language skills, digital skills.
The information in My Skills section will be used to suggest customised job and course suggestions to you.
You can share your profile with an employer or educational institution so that they can obtain a clearer view of who you are and what you have achieved!
Achieve your goals
Set your educational and career goals
With ‘My Interests’ registered users can describe their interests and goals in Europass.
In the section my interests you can choose a list of main goals linked to your career and studies or other opportunities such as volunteering or travel.
You can also indicate your preferred location(s) by selecting relevant cities and countries. Finally, you can list topics and skills you would like to learn more about.
The information in My Interests will be used to suggest customised job and course suggestions to you.
Use the free Europass tools to achieve your learning and career goals!

Are you ready to have your own europass profile?
Make your EU log in and take the next step in your career !
Frequently asked questions about europass profile
Europass profile allows you to present in a clear and organized way your skills, qualifications and experiences.
By continually updating and adding to their profile, users will always have access to an up-to-date picture of all their skills.
In how many languages can I create my profile?
You choose the language you want to create your profile.
Using the same account, you can have your profile in different language versions.
Choose from 29 languages and create your profile in the languages you speak! It’s a great way to show your language skills!
How do I create a profile in another language?
After logging in to the Europass portal, you can access “Show all profile” option by clicking on “I”; the system will take you to “ Add a profile in another language“, select your preferred language and you can fill in your profile in whatever language you choose.
Is my profile automatically translated into another language?
By selecting another language you will see that the profile sections are in the language of your choice, but the content of what you have written to your profile is not automatically translated, but you will need to pass the information you want in the language you have selected.
What should I pay attention to when I send my profile in another language?
If you want to send an application abroad, we recommend that you select the profile in the target language you want before you create the required documents.
How safe is it to share my profile with others?
Your Europass profile is private, but you can share a link from your profile with employers, educational institutions or career guidance counselors, either to request their assistance or as part of your application. You can share your full profile or choose to share specific sections. You can share your profile for a certain amount of time and you can always delete the link so the profile is no longer visible to third parties. Make sure you know the identity of the person you share your profile with and never share sensitive personal data. More information about how Europass uses your data can be found here.
Is it mandatory to create an account to build my profile?
You can create your profile as visitor at but in this case it is not stored for more than 48 hours. You will need to create an account to get full access to Europass services.
Whom can I address if I have a problem with my profile?
For technical issues or assistance, please contact the Europass line calling at 00 800 6 7 8 9 10 11 free of charge or submit your question here.
Europass take the next step